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Google to double Asia data centre investment | 谷歌拟将台湾数据中心扩大一倍 [2013.12.12][0人浏览]
  Google will double its investment in a data centre it is building in Taiwan as internet use in Asia rockets beyond what the US internet group predicted a few years ago w..  [查看全文]
移动互联时代商业模式创新 [2013.12.11][2人浏览]
  商业模式创新(business model innovation),是指企业价值创造提供基本逻辑的变化,即把新的商业模式引入社会的生产体系,并为客户和自身创造价值。简而言之,商业模式创新就是指企业以新的有效方式赚钱..  [查看全文]
Energy groups clamour for licences to export US crude | 页岩繁荣促使美国向加拿大出口原油 [2013.12.11][0人浏览]
  Oil companies are securing licences to export US crude at a frantic pace as the shale boom leads to swelling supplies along the Gulf of Mexico. 随着页岩繁荣促使美国墨..  [查看全文]
Tech groups demand limits on spy sweeps | 美国科技企业联名呼吁限制监听 [2013.12.11][0人浏览]
  Leading US technology companies – including Apple, Google and Facebook – have called on Washington to stop spy agencies collecting huge amounts of ­telephone and i..  [查看全文]
China’s export trade speeds up | 中国11月出口增长超预期 [2013.12.11][0人浏览]
  China exported more than expected in November, helped by strong shipments to the US and EU, sug­gesting the domestic economy is facing lighter headwinds. 在对美国..  [查看全文]
CEO偈子 [2013.12.11][4人浏览]
  有些人、有些话平淡无奇,但是不经意间就能打动我们,犹如偈子。 偈子,又名偈颂,一般出自历代高僧常常在圆寂前夕,会将平生学经感悟,留下以示后人。 杜邦公司的CEO说,杜邦从一百多年前卖火药卖的就..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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