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静静的春桂 [2013.04.01][3人浏览]
  近日春寒乍暖,难得见到夕阳西下,散步时从几棵月桂树下经过,一阵幽香,既清且甜,我几乎以为自己闻到的是雨前龙井,循香望去,余晖中隐约见到绿枝丛里藏着数点娇白、鹅黄。 传说古时候两英山下,住着一..  [查看全文]
Russia aims to match US shale revolution | 俄罗斯有望复制美国页岩能源革命 [2013.04.01][0人浏览]
  Russia is gearing up for an oil boom on the same scale as the US, as the techniques that sparked the shale revolution are applied to Siberia’s deposits of unconventiona..  [查看全文]
US nuclear bombers fly to South Korea | 美国B-2轰炸机飞临朝鲜半岛 [2013.03.29][0人浏览]
  The US sent two nuclear-capable bombers on a 10,500km round trip to South Korea on Thursday in response to North Korean predictions of war, as one of the last inter-Kore..  [查看全文]
Capital controls in Cyprus a first for EU | 塞浦路斯将成欧盟首个资本管制国 [2013.03.28][0人浏览]
  Cyprus is to become the first eurozone country to apply capital controls – with limits on credit card transactions, daily withdrawals, money transfers abroad and cashin..  [查看全文]
九味九格九窖藏,九九年华女儿香 [2013.03.27][2人浏览]
  月初,文文省亲归来,从老家捎回许多特产。茶果糕点一类倒也平常,只是那坛完封的黄酒分外醒目。 这酒我认得,是二大爷自酿的女儿红,文文说二大爷将要搬到城里,此物只剩一坛,因我好酒,便送与我了。 ..  [查看全文]
Buffett stake seals ties with Goldman | 巴菲特将跻身高盛十大股东 [2013.03.27][1人浏览]
  Warren Buffett is reinforcing his 50-year-old relationship with Goldman Sachs after his investment vehicle agreed to become one of the bank’s biggest shareholders by sw..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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