传说古时候两英山下,住着一.. [查看全文]
Russia aims to match US shale revolution | 俄罗斯有望复制美国页岩能源革命
Russia is gearing up for an oil boom on the same scale as the US, as the techniques that sparked the shale revolution are applied to Siberia’s deposits of unconventiona.. [查看全文]
US nuclear bombers fly to South Korea | 美国B-2轰炸机飞临朝鲜半岛
The US sent two nuclear-capable bombers on a 10,500km round trip to South Korea on Thursday in response to North Korean predictions of war, as one of the last inter-Kore.. [查看全文]
Capital controls in Cyprus a first for EU | 塞浦路斯将成欧盟首个资本管制国
Cyprus is to become the first eurozone country to apply capital controls – with limits on credit card transactions, daily withdrawals, money transfers abroad and cashin.. [查看全文]
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Buffett stake seals ties with Goldman | 巴菲特将跻身高盛十大股东
Warren Buffett is reinforcing his 50-year-old relationship with Goldman Sachs after his investment vehicle agreed to become one of the bank’s biggest shareholders by sw.. [查看全文]
2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文] |
2024年9月18日、英国,造访牛津大学,牛津是泰晤士河谷地的主要城市,传说是古代牛群涉水而过的地方,因而取名牛津(Oxford)[查看全文] |
2024年7月12日、麻省理工学院,应邀访问美国麻省理工(MIT),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),世界著名大学...[查看全文] |