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我们正走向海洋强国 [2013.07.25][3人浏览]
  2013年7月24日,日本海上保安厅发布照片显示,中国海警船在钓鱼岛海域巡航。 其实,这是中国公务船17日以来连续第8天现身钓鱼岛海域。2013今年3月,第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议通过了《国务院机..  [查看全文]
Arctic melt is ‘economic time bomb’ | “北极冰融可能造成60万亿美元损失” [2013.07.25][1人浏览]
  The rapidly melting Arctic sea ice and permafrost is an “economic time bomb” likely to cost the world at least $60tn, say researchers who have started to calculate the..  [查看全文]
Asian rich help Singapore narrow the wealth gap with Switzerland | 新加坡成理财中心 紧追瑞士 [2013.07.24][0人浏览]
  Singapore’s rise as a global centre for managing money has taken a big step with assets under management in the city state rising by nearly a quarter last year, putting..  [查看全文]
想再去,勇敢人、山坡地 [2013.07.23][1人浏览]
  从土耳其回来已经1周多了,一直想写点什么,记录自己的心情,但这需要一个相对安静孤寂的环境,回来后就一直上班,无休止的事情,周末也只想睡觉,竟然没有一种冲动。 今天,在这个远离北京市中心的高尔..  [查看全文]
Telefónica close to $6bn E-Plus deal | 西班牙电信拟收购德国同行 [2013.07.23][1人浏览]
  Telefónica is close to sealing the acquisition of KPN’s German business to create the largest mobile operator in the country after almost a decade of discussions betwe..  [查看全文]
Market for dim sum bonds goes cold | 香港“点心债”遭遇最长发行淡季 [2013.07.22][2人浏览]
  The market for new “dim sum” bonds is suffering its longest barren spell as China’s interbank liquidity crunch and concerns over US monetary policy wreak havoc on off..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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