Fed buying slowdown hangs in balance | 美联储QE3退出计划仍有变数
A slowing of US Federal Reserve asset purchases is still in the balance with many officials wanting more gains in the jobs market first, according to minutes of its most.. [查看全文]
Saudi Arabia and UAE prop up Egypt regime with offer of $8bn in aid | 沙特与阿联酋承诺援助埃及80亿..
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have pledged a total of $8bn to Egypt to help prop up its ailing economy, highlighting the shake-up in regional political power.. [查看全文]
[一颗白色的小球能引申出哲学的命题,美国人盖伊·亨德里克斯告诉我们说:“记住你打高尔夫球,是因为你要运动,而不是球要运动。”对了,不管是什么运动,它都有游戏的成分,你所要做的就是———Enjoy.. [查看全文]
Seoul defends pilot in Asiana jet crash | 韩国官员:怪罪失事客机飞行员为时过早
South Korean officials warned against prejudging the outcome of the investigation into the crash landing of an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 at San Francisco International .. [查看全文]
这让我大吃一.. [查看全文]
Egypt central bank seeks UAE cash | 埃及央行向海湾富国寻求资金援助
Egypt’s central bank governor flew to Abu Dhabi yesterday to drum up badly needed financial support as cracks appeared within the political coalition that backed last w.. [查看全文]
2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文] |
2024年9月18日、英国,造访牛津大学,牛津是泰晤士河谷地的主要城市,传说是古代牛群涉水而过的地方,因而取名牛津(Oxford)[查看全文] |
2024年7月12日、麻省理工学院,应邀访问美国麻省理工(MIT),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),世界著名大学...[查看全文] |