Weather extremes mark 21st century’s first decade | 世界经历“最热的十年”
The first 10 years of this century were the hottest in 160 years and filled with more temperature records than any other decade as global warming accelerated, the UN’s .. [查看全文]
其实,规划留学又未尝不是一个别样的选择?因为观念的改变需要时间、加之信息极度不对称和相关经验的严重不足,有的考生和家长纷纷表示倍感迷茫。现根据自身经历和.. [查看全文]
China probes Nestlé milk pricing | 外资厂商配合中国奶粉市场“维稳”
Nestlé said yesterday that it was co-operating with an investigation launched by the Chinese government into possible competition violations in the mainland infant form.. [查看全文]
Chinese property market helps to spur on ‘dim sum’ issuance | 中国楼市推高点心债券发行量
The amount of money raised in the junk “dim sum” bond market reached a record high in the second quarter, driven by a rising Chinese property market and the worldwide .. [查看全文]
Norway’s Conservative party floats idea of splitting $720bn oil fund | 挪威酝酿分拆7200亿美元主权..
Norway’s likely winner of its looming elections is floating the idea of splitting the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund in two, as the $720bn oil fund grapples wit.. [查看全文]
1、预算:我们这个房子是以长期投资为主。自己可能小住1-2年。小孩也只有6个月大.. [查看全文]
2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文] |
2024年9月18日、英国,造访牛津大学,牛津是泰晤士河谷地的主要城市,传说是古代牛群涉水而过的地方,因而取名牛津(Oxford)[查看全文] |
2024年7月12日、麻省理工学院,应邀访问美国麻省理工(MIT),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),世界著名大学...[查看全文] |