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Brazil’s finance chief attacks US over QE3 | 巴西财长:美联储第三轮量化宽松是“汇率战争” [2012.09.21][1人浏览]
Guido Mantega, Brazil’s finance minister, has warned that the US Federal Reserve’s “protectionist” move to roll out more quantitative easing will reignite the currency war..  [查看全文]
用心经营,战略制胜 [2012.09.20][3人浏览]
  当前,很多企业都在叫嚷日子难过。可就是有另外一些企业偏偏逆势上扬,笑得很不拢嘴! A公司成功的诀窍到底在哪里? 我其实一直不太注意太太的服装品牌,因为她经常在变,某一个时期买这个牌子的衣服多..  [查看全文]
China hits the road to sell its stock market to foreign investors | 中国证券官员展开路演 推销本国.. [2012.09.20][0人浏览]
Chinese financial officials have started a global roadshow to persuade foreigners to invest in the country’s stock market, a highly unusual move that reflects concerns that i..  [查看全文]
美国科技孵化成功的经验有哪些? [2012.09.19][3人浏览]
  今天,在中国各地踊跃追求创新, 创业和科技产业化,商业化如火如荼的同时,请诸君与我一起静下心来几分钟, 看看美国硅谷的产业化,商业化历程。以便从中汲取一些引导他们走向成功的、我们可以参考甚至借..  [查看全文]
Saudis try to bring oil price down with | 沙特可能增产以压低油价 [2012.09.19][0人浏览]
Saudi Arabia has offered its main customers in the US, Europe and Asia extra oil supplies through to the end of the year, a sign that the largest crude exporter is worried abo..  [查看全文]
Apple breaks sales record with 2m pre-orders for iPhone 5 in first day | iPhone 5预售量创纪录 [2012.09.18][1人浏览]
Apple’s iPhone 5 has smashed records before hitting the shelves, with more than 2m people pre-ordering the coveted smartphone in its first 24 hours, double last year’s figur..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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