2、政府机关.. [查看全文]
Pyongyang rebuffs China ‘cheat’ claim | 朝鲜否认中国企业“被骗”指控
North Korea has hit out at a Chinese company that said it was “cheated” out of mining assets by the state, providing a rare window into the commercial disputes that have dog.. [查看全文]
近日,在异国他乡再读到泰戈尔和周国平的文字,心里油然而生了千种慰藉自己的理由。或许是本人和作者都喜欢泰戈尔的缘故,每次阅读周的文字就感觉有一种隐隐约约的亲切感。这些文字就同瓦尔登湖一样平静了.. [查看全文]
Economy blow in key week for Obama | 制造业数据黯淡 奥巴马选情受冲击
Barack Obama was hit by more bad news on the economy with data showing continued manufacturing weakness overshadowing the opening of the Democratic party convention.
美国经.. [查看全文]
其实,快乐可以很简单。因为我们可以欣赏到很多人类历史上留下来的好东西,比如说音乐。我前些日子去听了柴可夫斯基交响乐全集,是最好的马林连斯基剧院乐团,捷杰耶夫是当今俄罗斯最.. [查看全文]
Silver outpaces gold to hit 4-month high | 银价升至4个月高位 近期涨幅超金价
Silver prices touched their highest level in more than four months on Monday as the prospect of a fresh bout of quantitative easing from the US Federal Reserve rekindled inter.. [查看全文]
2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文] |
2024年9月18日、英国,造访牛津大学,牛津是泰晤士河谷地的主要城市,传说是古代牛群涉水而过的地方,因而取名牛津(Oxford)[查看全文] |
2024年7月12日、麻省理工学院,应邀访问美国麻省理工(MIT),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),世界著名大学...[查看全文] |